Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel

Research Programs
- Governance, economic organizations program
Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel’s research focuses on the economic and social history of 20th century France, with special attention paid to transnational circulation.
Foremost among her areas of interest is the consumer society. She studies the various players who take part in constructing this milieu, such as market-creating professionals and organized consumer activists.
Another main area of interest is the world of business leadership and its relationships with the society at large. In particular, she researches the history of management training and employers’ organizations in France.
In both areas, she specifically explores Christian circles and their forms of social activism, for example, through empirical surveys.
See her Curriculum Vitae in french (PDF - 429 Ko)
teaching activities
History Department, Sciences Po
"Histoire d'enquêtes. Consommation et travail. XIXe-XXe siècle", Atelier de M1/M2, Sciences Po, Département d'histoire (avec Gwenaële Rot, 2016-2022)
Cours-séminaire de M1, « Histoire d’enquêtes. Consommation et travail au XXe siècle », Sciences Po, Département d’histoire (avec Marion Fontaine et Gwenaële Rot, depuis 2022)
Cours-séminaire de M1, « Introduction à l’historiographie et méthodologie » (avec David Todd, 2023-2024).
Tutorat d’étudiant-e-s, Sciences Po, Département d’histoire (depuis 2015)
Other Department
"Méthodologie qualitative. Sources écrites", Atelier de M2, Département de sociologie (avec Olivier Pilmis puis Gwenaële Rot 2018-2022)
Cours de M2, « Consommation et marketing : une approche historique », master Marketing (EMI) (avec Kevin Mellet, depuis 2022)
other activities
Deputy editor-in-chief of Le Mouvement Social (since June 2023)
Member of the Editorial Board (since 2018) and Editorial Committee (since 2015)
Member of the editorial board of Entreprises et histoire
Member of the editorial board of Histoire@Politique magazine
Member of Commission 33 of the CNRS National Committee (2019-2021)
Member of the board of the Association Française d'Histoire Religieuse Contemporaine ((2020-2023))
CNRS Silver Medal (2014)
Accreditation to supervise research in history, EHESS
Doctorate in History and Civilizations from the European University Institute of Florence (Italy)
Last Publications
- Chessel, Marie-Emmanuelle. 2020. "La formation des dirigeants d'entreprise en question: La diffusion de la méthode des cas américaine en France (Lille, années 1950)." Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine 67 (4): 31-62.
- Chessel, Marie-Emmanuelle. 2020. "From Duties to Rights: Revisiting the ‘Social Catholics’ in Twentieth-Century France." French History 1-19.
- Castel, Patrick and Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel, ed(s). 2019. "Revisiter la décision dans les organisations." Entreprises et histoire 4 (97).